Florida Tech Chemistry

Chemistry Seminars, News, And Events

Spring 2025 Seminar Series

Location: HSR 141

Date and Time  Speaker

Janurary 23

5.00 PM

Dr. Olson, Dr. Gott, Dr. Azim

Kennedy Space Center

Title: "From Launchpad to Deep Space"

February 20

5.00 PM

William Bowman

Florida Tech (Evans Library) 

February 27

5.00 PM

Dr. Stephen Keable

Oak Ridge National Laboratory 

March 27

5.00 PM

Dr. Alan Brown 

Florida Tech

Title: "Fluorescence-Enhancement Sensing via Hydrogen-Bond Interruption" 

April 03

5.00 PM

Dr. Joel Olson

Kennedy Sapace Center 

April 17

5.00 PM

Dr. Boris Akhremitchev

Florida Tech


Fall 2024 Seminar Series

Location: HSR 141

Date and Time  Speaker

September 12

5.00 PM

Dr. Roberto Peverati

Florida Tech

September 19

5.00 PM

Dr. Yi Liao

Florida Tech

October 03

5.00 PM

Prof. Masayuki Wasa

The Wertheim UF Scripps Institute
Title: "Recent Advances in Cooperative Catalysis"

October 17

5.00 PM

Nishal Egodawaththa

Florida Tech - Dissertation Seminar (Nesnas Group)

October 31

5.00 PM

Prof. Burjor Captain

University of Miami

November 7

5.00 PM

Prof. Ioannis Spanopoulos

University of South Florida

Title: "The Emergence of Porous Hybrid Metal Halide Semiconductors"

November 14

5.00 PM

Prof. Rudi Wehmschulte

Florida Tech

November 21

5.00 PM

Noel Manring

Florida Tech-Dissertation Seminar (Pathirathna Group) 

December 05

5.00 PM

Anthi Savvidou

Florida Tech - Pathirathna Lab 

Spring 2024 Seminar Series

Location: HSR 141

Date and Time  Speaker

February 1

5.00 PM

Prof. Richmond Sarpong

University of California–Berkeley

Title: "Strategies for Chemical Synthesis Inspired by Complex Natural Products"

February 29

5.00 PM

Dr. Ahmed El-Gendy

The University of Texas at EI Paso

March 1

3.00 PM


Dr. Tiwari 

Institute of Advanced Materials, IAAM, Sweden 

Title: "Innovative Strategies in Materials Development to Attain Net-Zero Goals"

March 7

5.00 PM

Dorathea Illner

Florida Tech - Peverati Lan 

March 14

5.00 PM

Prof. Rajeev Prabhakar

Title: "Development of Catalysts, Drugs and Biomaterials: Insights from Theoretical Studies"

University of Miami

March 21

5.00 PM

Noble Brako

Florida Tech 

April 4

5.00 PM

Victor Xu

Florida Tech - Takenaka Lab 

April 11

5.00 PM

Ralph Page

Florida Tech -Pathirathna Lab

Title: "Electrochemical Characterization of Adrenal Hormones Towards Investigating Neurophysiological Disorders"

April 16

4.30 PM

Matthew Pensenstadler

Florida Tech - Brown Lab 

April 18

5.00 PM

Rohini Patel

Florida Tech 

Fall 2023 Seminar Series

Location: HSR 141

Date and Time  Speaker

September 7

5.00 PM

Dr. Jessica Smeltz & Dr. Roberto Peverati

Florida Tech 

September 14

5.00 PM

Dr. Jeremiah Tipton


Title: "Life Sciences Research – Advances in Instrumentation for Difficult Sample Types

Rapid Single Cell Proteome Analysis with Bruker’s timsTOF Platform" 

October 05

5.00 PM

Dr. Pavithra Pathirathna

Florida Tech

Title: "New Insights into Electrochemical Detection of Neurotransmitters and Toxic Metals"  

October 12

5.00 PM

Dr. Roberto Peverati

Florida Tech 

Title: " Calculations of Complex Electronic Structures for Chemistry and Astrobiology: Porphyrins and Chlorophylls"

October 19

5.00 PM

Dr. Manasvi Lingam

Florida Tech 

October 26

5.00 PM

Dr. Robert Ussleman

Florida Tech

 Title: "Quantum Biology Clock"

November 02

5.00 PM

Dr. Norito Takenaka

Florida Tech

Title: "Sustainable Fine Chemical Synthesis: Lewis Base Catalysis of Organotrichlorosilanes" 

November 09

5.00 PM

Miriam Strini

Florida Tech - Pathirathna Lab

 Title: "From Lab to Life: Surface Modified Carbon Fiber Microelectrodes for Cadmium Ion Detection"

November 16

5.00 PM

Dr. Nasri Nesnas

Florida Tech

Title:"Illuminating Pathways"

November 30

5.00 PM

Rana Abboodd

Florida Tech - Pathirathna Lab 

Title: " Novel Electrochemical Sensor for Arsenic Detection"

December 14

5.00 PM

Dr. Pierpaolo Morgante

IOP Publishing

Title: "How to get (your research) published"

Past Seminars & Events

Spring 2023 Seminar Series

Date and Time Speaker
April 27
10:00 AM
Deneyelle E. Wilson
Florida Tech - Research Proposal
April 13
5.00 PM
Diana Velosa
Florida Tech - Dissertation Seminar (Chouinard Group)
April 06
5.00 PM
Shon Neal
Florida Tech - Dissertation Seminar (Chouinard Group)
March 29
3.00 PM
Nishal Egodawaththa
Florida Tech - Research Proposal (Nesnas Group)
February 23
5.00 PM
Moustafa Hamaad
Florida Tech - Dissertation Seminar 
February 09
5.00 PM
Hemant Pal
Florida Tech - Dissertation Seminar (Knight Group)

Fall 2022 Seminar Series

Date and Time Speaker
October 27
5.00 PM
Dr. Kamran T. Mahmudov
Centro de Química Estrutural, Institute of Molecular Sciences, 
Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
 Title: "The Chalcogen Bond"
December 01
1.00 PM
Sahar Srajeh
Florida Tech - Dissertation Seminar (Knight Lab)
December 01
5.00 PM
Noel Manring
Florida Tech - Research Proposal (Pathirathna Lab)

Life From the Ground to the Starts - International Mini Symposium in the Biomedical Sciences

Thursday, Oct. 20, 2022 | 3:30-6:30 p.m.

Gregory Macleod, Ph.D.
Florida Atlantic University 
Title: "How Do Neurons Control Mitochondrial Form, Function and Distribution to Support Neural Function?"
Andrew Palmer, Ph.D.
Florida Tech
Title: "Project RedHouse –Tales from a Martian Greenhouse"
Manasvi Lingam, Ph.D.
Florida Tech
Title: "Constraints on Habitable Worlds in the Solar System Magdaléna"
Magdaléna Bryksová, Ph.D.
University of Palacký in Olomouc, Czech Republic
Title: "Modern Cytokinin Derivatives – Synthesis, Bioactivity and Applications"
Lucie Plíhalová, Ph.D.
University of Palacký in Olomouc, Czech Republic
Title: "New Biotechnological Tools Related to Cytokinin Bioavailability"

Spring 2022 Seminar Series

Date and Time Speaker
March 24
5.00 PM
Shoan Neal  - In Person
Florida Tech - Research Proposal (Chouinard Lab)
March 31
5.00 PM
Dr. Gabe Nagy - Virtual
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
University of Utah
April 14
5.00 PM
Diana Velosa - In Person
Florida Tech - Research Proposal (Chouinard Lab)
April 19
5.00 PM
Anneli Nina - In Person
Florida Tech - Research Proposal (Knight Lab)
April 21
5.00 PM
Dr. Mei Shen - Virtual
Assistant Professor 
Department of Chemistry
University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign
Title: "Elucidating Neurotransmission at the Nanoscale"
April 26
5.00 PM
Matthew Pensenstadler - In Person
Marcus Sanders - In Person
Florida Tech - Undregraduate Research (Brown Lab)

Fall 2021 Seminar Series

Date and Time Speaker
November 9
5.00 PM
Hussam Alhamza
Florida Tech - Dissertation Defense (Wehmschulte Group)
Title: "Synthesis, Isolation and Structural Elucidation of Cage-Shaped Aluminum and Gallium Phosphorous Aryloxide Complexes as Highly Reactive Lewis Acid and Carboxyboranes as Carbon Monoxide Releasing Molecules "
November 18
5.00 PM
Dr. Denisia Popolan-Vaida
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
University of Florida
Title: Ozone Assisted-oxidation Reactions and Their Importance in Atmospheric and Combustion Chemistry
December 09
5.00 PM
Dr. Irina Chuvashova
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Florida International University

Summer 2021 Virtual Seminar Series

Date and Time Speaker
July 9
11.00 AM
Aurora Burkus-Matesevac
Florda Tech - Research Proposal (Chouinard Group)
July 14
2.00 PM
Carlyn Reep
Florda Tech - Dissertation Defense (TakenakaGroup)

Spring 2021 Virtual Seminar Series

Date and Time Speaker
February 11
5.00 PM
Dr. Michael Adrian
Department of Chemistry
University of Pittsburgh 
Seminar Title: "Electrochemical sensors coupled to microdialysis for monitoring metabolism in injured brain tissue"
February 16
5.00 PM
Shyiu Sun 
Florida Tech - Research Proposal (Takenaka Group)
February 18
5.00 PM
Dr. Aaron Apawu
 Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
University of Northern Florida
Seminar Title: "Implicating Monoamines in the Neurochemical Basis for Noise-Induced Hearing Loss"
March 2
5.00 PM
Dr. Kenneth Gonsalves
Seminar Title: " Photoresists for EUVL (13.5 nm) Wavelength Nanopattering from N7 Down to N3 Nodes & Beyond: Materials Chemistry Design Principles for Hitech IC Fab"

Indian Institute of Technology

March 4
5.00 PM
Dr. Michael Roper
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
Florida State University
Seminar Title: "Examining the Dynamics of Glucose Regulation" 
March 11
5.00 PM
Dr. Konstantin V. Bukhryakov
Assistant Professor
Florida International University 
Seminar Title: "Alkylidene Complexes: Synthesis and Application" 
March 25
5.00 PM
Dr. Karin Chumbimuni-Torres
Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry 
University of Central Florida
April 1
5.00 PM
Changgong Xu
Florida Tech - Research Proposal (Takenaka Group)
April 6
5.00 PM
Franklin Thornburgh
 Florida Tech - Masters Defense (Chouinard Group)
April 8
3.00 PM
Adnan Elgattar 
Florda Tech - Dissertation Defense (Liao Group)
April 8
5.00 PM
Stine Olson
Florida Tech - Senior Thesis (Chouinard Group)
April 15
5.00 PM
Pierpaolo Morgante
Florda Tech - Dissertation Defense (Peverati Group)

Fall 2020 Virtual Seminar Series

Date and Time Speaker
August 20
5.00 PM
Dr. Nasri Nesnas
Professor, Chemistry Program, Florida Tech
PhD Program and Guidelines
August 27
5.00 PM
Dr. Adrian Roitberg 
Department of Chemistry, University of Florida 
September 10
5.00 PM
Dr. Jessica Beekman
Research Chemist
US Food and Drug Administration
September 17
5.00 PM
Dr. Sara Walker
Assistant Professor
Arizona State University 
October 1
5.00 PM
Dr. Stephanie Cologna
Assistant Professor
University of Illinois-Chicago 
October 15
5. 00 PM
Dr. Brandon Ruotolo
University of Michigan 
October 22
5. 00 PM
Dr. Frieder Jaekle
Rutgers University 
October 29
11. 00 AM
Dr. Mario Thevis
German Sport University Cologn
November 5
5. 00 PM
Dr. Jason Benedict
Associate Professor
University of Buffalo
Florida Tech/UCF ACS Student Chapter Joint Seminar Series 
November 6
5. 00 PM
Mohamed Fathy Hassan
Florida Tech
Dissertation Seminar  
November 12
5. 00 PM
Dr. Thersa Evans-Nguyen
Assistant Professor
University of South Florida 
December 03
5. 00 PM
Dr. Jennifer Stockdill
Associate Professor
Wayne State University 

Summer 2020 Virtual Seminar Series

Date and Time Speaker
May 14
5.00 PM
Dr. Ian Webb
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
May 28 
5.00 PM
Dr. Steve Blanksby
School of Chemistry and Physics
Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
June 4
3.00 PM
Dr. Parastoo Hashemi
Senior Lecturer
Department of Bioengineering
Imperial College London
June 18   
5.00 PM
Dr. Matteo Cavaleri
Senior Professional Editor
June 25
5:00 PM
Dr. Titel Jurca
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
July 2
5:00 PM
Dr. Richard Smith
Director of Proteome Research
Pacific Northwest National Lab, Biological Sciences Directorate
July 9
5:00 PM
Dr. Edward Duranty 
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
University of South Alabama
July 16
5:00 PM
Dr. Elon Ison
Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry
North Carolina State University 
July 23
5:00 PM
Dr. Austin Jones
Georgia  Tech
July 30
5:00 PM
Dr. Thomas Linz
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
Wayne State University

Spring 2020 Research Seminars

Date Speaker and Topic
January 23 Dr. Kevin E. O'Shea, Florida International University
The Cyclodextrin-Perfluorinated Surfactant Host-Guest Complex: Fundamental Studies for Potential Environmental Remediation and Therapeutic Applications
January 24 Lenny Bernas, L3Harris Technologies
Research at L3Harris
January 30 Kyle Collins, Florida Tech
Senior Thesis: Synthesis of 2,18-dithia[3](1,8)-carbazolo[3](3,5)pyridinophane to Investigate H-Bonding
April 9 Dami Ajadi, Florida Tech
Ph.D. Seminar: Analysis of Fatty Acids in Chukchi Sea Sediments
April 16 Kristie Baker, Florida Tech
Senior Thesis: Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry and Ozone-Induced Cleavage of Endocyclic C=C Bonds to Separate Isomeric Prostaglandins

2019 Chemistry Conclave

Florida Institute of Technology's ACS Student Chapter hosted the Florida American Chemical Society 2019 Symposium for Synthetic Chemistry. This symposium was part of the Annual Florida Chemistry Conclave series. The Symposium featured keynote speaker Dr. Aaron Aponick from the University of Florida (pictured left). His seminar, StackPhos: From structural curiosity to enantioselective catalysis, followed the synthetic chemistry theme of the symposium. Students gave oral presentations of their research as well.

The event included hands-on demonstrations of outreach events performed by ACS student chapters at Florida Tech and other schools (pictured right) followed by a lab safety seminar by Florida Tech's Dr. Joel Olson.